SQT Bio-Microneedling
Discover the amazing potential of sponge spicules derived from a freshwater sponge. They work wonders by stimulating the skin wound healing response.
Compared with chemical peeling and herbal peeling, SQT® spongilla spicules therapy has NO SIDE EFFECTS, is suitable for all skin types and colours, because the ingredients are all natural and does not contain acid or ingredients that damage the skin.
In just 5 Minutes, 3 -5 million natural siliceous microneedles are directly introduced into the dermis layer of the skin through hand massage to promote skin metabolism and stimulate collagen regeneration. There is no bleeding, no anaesthesia, and no skin breakage. The treatment shortens the skin cycle from 28 days to 7 days by activation of the basal skin cells, and achieves natural, safe, and
effective physical rejuvenation.
What can SQT Bio-Microneedling treat?
SQT can effectively treat an array of skin problems including and not limited to: Acne, Acne scars, Pigmentation, melasma, Pimples, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Large pores, Papules, Anti-Aging, Stretch Marks, Anti-wrinkle regeneration, Fine Lines, lifting and firming, Blemishes ,hydration and oil balancing.