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Profosma Jet Plasma

Profosma Jet Plasma is the most advanced technology that is being used for skin tightening, anti-ageing, skin rejuvenation and lifting. It can safely be used on any area that shows signs of ageing and skin sagging, including the face, neck, hands and even stomach!

As we use cool plasma instead of Plasma dots there is no heat or pain sensation on the skin, no numbing, no dots and no downtime.

There are several amazing benefits of using the Jet Plasma procedure in comparison to other previously used methods:

No anaesthesia necessary
No downtime
Procedure can be completed within 30 minutes
No discomfort
Sterilisation of the skin
Destruction of various bacteria, including p.acne
Decrease pigmentation
Decrease dark circles under the eyes
Increase product absorption

When will I see the results?

How many treatments are there?

What else do I need to know?

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